Friday, September 3, 2010

9/3/10 because i cant think of a better title

yeah. today i fell asleep.
in class.
because im really really tired for some reason.
i go to bed at 9:30 basiclly and then get up around 7. leave for school at 7:45. school starts at 8:30 (sooooo much better than 7:30) and then depends on what day it is what time i leave. dinner. dishes. shower. blog/read/fb/whatever. sleep.

sure im probably missing some details...but no one will notice.

Ah! i also met the new exchange student from Belgium.

oh yeah. I forgot to mention the french guy first. right?
whatever. I DONT LIKE HIM. he dosnt shut up! and hes twichy! and wosrt of all hes good at japanese! so hes loud, talks a lot, in japanese, while twitching.
that was my frustration in words
so of course hes going to be bad at caligraphy! (yes, i have a caligraphy class every friday) caligraphy requires relitive scilence and no twitching.
it WAS my favorite class because it required the least amount of talking. but nooooooo french guy has to be all...FRENCH GUY!
but anyways, just so everyone knows, its not that I dislike french guyS. just french GUY.

so, there is a new student from Belgium who speaks french so now french guy has even MORE of a reason to run his mouth off.
but she seems nice. her name is Marie. (french guy will remain french guy)I hope I can somehow talk to her (without consulting french guy). her japanese is limited (much like mine) and her english even more so. not to mention my french is limited to `potatoe` (pomme de terre) and some other random food.

I also attempted to take more pictures today and some video while just riding my bike so I`ll try and put that up tomorrow when i`m not falling asleep on the keyboard.

alright thats all.

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