Tuesday, February 15, 2011


So, the sad thing about this post is I'm already back in America. And not just ANYWHERE in America too. I'm already back home.

Basically, I planned on writing a FEW more entries before going home, but when I thought about what I would write all I could think about was "I'm going home in 20 days. I'm going home in 19 days. I'm going home in 10 days" and so on. So I couldn't really bring myself to reflect on my experience while i was STILL THERE.

The last month was probably the best and the worst now that i think about it. The best because everyone knew I was going home REALLY SOON so we tried to go out and do as many things as possible in the time I had left. It was also the worst because the time would just fly by and stress me out. I remember feeling the same way when i left for Japan...which was a little stupid because I knew I would be coming back in only 6 months. I'm not sure of the next time I can go to Japan.