Monday, August 30, 2010

i forgot to finish this post...its from a week ago i think.

so, i just got done taking a bath. school today was alright. But its actually kinda boring. I mean, the first day everyone was all "oh my god! forigener!" and dont worry i knew it wouldnt last. not to mention i knew the people that were talking to me today would probably not be tomorrow. But some people still talked to me dispite my lack of japanese abilities. Japanese class so far is actually not that great. I thought it would be a sort of sanctuary where I can express myself in English and learn the Japanese equivilant. But so far today it has been..kind of like a slap in the face. We started with the basics, I expected that, but the whole thing was like teaching a 3 year old. picture flashcardas, make a scentence using the flashcaards like "i like to eat watermelon". alright, we have established this. watermelon is wonderful. lets move on. I know I have to enrich my vocab in order to all. But I would rather use scentences that could get me past talking to a three year old. the second half of the japanese lesson was basicly an origami lesson. This sensei is OBVIOUSLY suited to small children.

my uniform dosnt fit. i mentioned this already but i tend to forget how nice it is to go to school in clothes that fit.

the rest of my classes outside of the international office are alright. except I feel like a shadow.

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