yes. today it rained. THANK GOD. now its nice and suzushi as opposed to atsui. (nice and cool, not hot)
i wore my hair down today, and normally this would not be a big deal. but seeing as no one at school had seen me with my hair down it was like the first day alllllll over again. awwwww kawaii!! (cute) uh. thanks? its not that big of a deal. or so i thought?
Today was fairly normal. tomorrow i have a kanji test though on providence names in kyushu. sort of a random topic for kanji
(by the way kanji are chinese characters mixed in with japanese hiragana and katakana)
oh! so, basiclly i love the crossgaurds here. LOVE them! they're always so nice!!! they dont even say much besides "good morning" and i know they're super nice. they stand there all morning making sure tiny japanese kids on bikes dont get run over by crazy japanese adults in cars..or bikes i guess too.
and another thing i've been meaning to mention. Japanese kids are not as bell-twitchy as americans. yes. bell-twitchy. everyone knows waht im talking about if you've been to an american high school. that 2 minuets the teacher is starting to pack up after a loooooooonnggggg lecture about protists and their eating habits and you hsve all you're stuff packed ready to dash out the door the second the bell rings.
not in japan. some teachers for starters think that the bell means "wrap it up in the next 3 min" which i KNOW would drive american students crazy. also even after the teachers wraps up, students take time to actually finish what they were working on! not just scribble something down for later. EVEN THE FINAL BELL where in american EVERYONE is dying just to get out of the classroom at least, even if they have clubs or sports after. Japanese students HANG OUT IN THE CLASSROOM (whaaaaatt?!) yes. they HANG OUT. they arn't hard wired to jump at every single bell.
and i think this is why:
1) Americans change classrooms (most of the time)--> Japanese stay in homeroom (again, most of the time)
2) Americans have and ANNOYING BELL-->Japan has nice bells that calmly let you know its time to change subjects
3) Americans have 5 min between classes-->Japan has 10
This, i think, explains why bells in japan ACTUALLY MAKE ME ANXIOUS. I have to stop and ask myself why am i getting stressed out that no one is moving?! 17 years in america will do that to you, no matter how calm you think you are.
Also, something surprising. Bible class. (weird enough that i have a bible class in a japanese school) (its protestant by the way) (Christianity is 1% in japan) Bible class happens to be one of my favorite classes too! which is also weird...because i never liked all...and i never really cared for church, except at christmas time...
maybe because I know the material (and its not english) and also the teacher...father...protentant...involves me in class! even though i take forever to read one sentence.
FINALLY-- I don't like the way they changed the alphabet. yes. they changed it. they separated lmnop. NOT. COOL. i like lmnop being one word! its not abcdefg, hijklmn, opqrstu... NO! its lmnop!!!!
that's the preferred way.
get it right japan!!!
yes yes AFS says "its not right, its not wrong, its just different"
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