So! (yesterday) because I was too tired I didnt post anything but here's what happened.
The four exchange students at my school went to an elementary school as guests to...well...I dont really know why. To see what it was like? to visit french guy's sister? Either way, we went.
The very first thing we noticed was it was SUPER LOUD. Kids were running up and down the hallway, playing in the classrooms, etc. This was weird. Normally, one would think that the Japanese would keep and orderly, quiet, learning enviroment for the children. But it really was quiet the opposite! I don't remember my elementary school ever being this loud except for recess and lunch. We walked single file down the halls, quiet (as possible), and got drinks at the water fountain for 3 seconds (any more and people got all upset)
So we sat though 2 english lessons and had lunch together with the kids.
The english teacher was from England and he was...uh...interesting? He had (obviously) dyed blond hair. more banana yellow than blond actually... And he was, well, kind of crude? He would roll his eyes when the english tapes would go
"how are you?"
"I'm happy! how are you?"
Also, he had been living in Japan for 8 years...although I'm fairly sure I might know more Japanese than him. He talked to us as if he thought we could all go drinking or something, completly forgeting we're high school students, who have high school, and studying, and he left to go smoke outside.
that was all of yesterday. I got home with a nice big headache.
Today was fairly normal. However at kyudo club it was announced that Marie (the exchange student from Belgium)'s wallet was stolen yesterday. So the whole time at club we sat around and collected information about who might have taken it or what could have happened and then gave it to the police man. I'm glad they all took it seriously, because...well its serious stuff! I have a feeling that back home people would say "I'm sorry to hear that" and thats the end of it. but we all sat around for a good hour. Half of that time was in a formal sitting position by the way. My knees are still hurting.
they BUY sandwiches. this may not sound like such a big deal but still.
Who buys sandwiches?! And not specialty sandwiches or subs. Plain. Sandwiches.
In America, if you're hungry you make a sandwich! You dont go buy one! Even the laziest American household has made a sandwhich at one point!
I'll have to take a picture to show everyone. Because I sound crazy right now BUT I'M NOT!
Pictures are Koten class (classical Japanese) (as if modern Japanese isn't hard enough), and 小学校 elementary school
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