I was thinking of a title for this post and looked down at the date on my computer...9/26/210...when did i get here again?? i left on the 18th...go to narita on the 20th...so, that's about a week and a month! Weird.
Anyways yesterday wasn't exactly the time of my life. I woke up early to go to Mikihiro's Sports Day which was interesting but very long! from 9:30am until 2pm I think. Sports festivals and culture festivals are held all through school I think. But for kindergartners, they just dance and play games where no one really wins. I also got a nice sunburn. We went out for dinner to coco curry...my least favorite part of Japan actually. You would think that I would love a place devoted to curry! but Their curry is just spiced gravy with frozen veggies and meat...
not to mention the waiter gave me the english version of the menu which (although nice) was incredibly frustrating. I can't even explain why I was near tears because he gave me an english menu. Maybe because I'm treated like a foreigner (I know I am one) and not a part of the family. Maybe because I'm treated like I'm 2 where people ask my parents questions like "and what does she want to drink?" I'm right here! ask me! It gives the whole feeling of isolation. In America, its basically learn english or starve. Not everyone knows another language. everyone gets the same menu, same treatment, same same same.
i didn't even need that stupid menu. I can look at the pictures and read the hiragana and some kanji JUST FINE thank you.
anyways. I was so tired from the sunburn and the long day and the people I think I went to bed without saying a word (I apologized for that this morning though)
Today, Mikihiro was in and out of tantrums for the majority of the day. The was Japanese parents deal with children is very different from how American parents deal with children. The most punishment I've seen Mikihiro have is being set outside and the doors locked. And he just sits out there crying until he goes through the front door back inside. No spanking, no (real) timeout, no taking away things nothing.
I can sometimes feel myself resisting giving him a spanking myself! hahah especially when he cryyelling "okaasan! okaasan! hayaku hayaku okaasan!!" or mom! mom! hurry up! hurry! mom! "hayaku" is really pretty rude too. Also when we were going out shopping and Mikihiro wanted to watch Howl's Moving Castle and lapsed into another tantrum Okaasan just left him home while the rest of up went shopping.
Some how I think the Japanese way of punishment is more like the American way of rewards. I can just imagine George saying "Throw me outside? fine! see ya!" and I wasn't allowed to stay home alone until I was...i forget...uh...older!!
But still, I don't want anyone to judge like "The Japanese are just too soft with their kids!". Its a different culture. Period.
Anyways, I'm making wild rice soup for dinner tonight! I have to substitute the flour for corn starch so I hope it turns out alright (Mikihiro is allergic to eggs and wheat)
*Picture: Pictures from the sports festival and my Chinese HW I finally got around to doing
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