I forget what I still need to write about. gah.
Oh! well, for starters, I have found a very VERY useful thing to do. If a small child ever follows you up the dark stairs (which, if dark, is unlikely) all you need to do to get some alone time is hide in a dark corner and "disappear". WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THIS BEFORE?! Mikihiro was seriously a foot away from me and didn't know it, eventually he got confused and made his way back downstairs. AWESOME.
Japanese schools test A LOT. I mean A LOT. It's test after test after test. They don't do projects. They don't really have homework from what I can see. Not like we have in America where there is sure to be homework everyday. Also my classes are really REALLY...limited? In American I have (will have) English, math, environmental science, music, art, government, econ, Chinese etc. Here, I have English, English b, English writing, oral communication (English) world history, health, gym, Japanese (as a second language) modern Japanese, classical Japanese, and home EC. It's basically English with a hint of liberal arts.
overall, very limited. This has made me realize that I'm more suited to a broad education.
Over the weekend a whooollleee bunch of Mikihiro's friends came over and we harvested the sweet potatoes in the garden next to the house. They were HUGE. and purple. and yellow inside.
over the past week we've had sweet potatoes in nearly everything hahah
Also! I will be leaving for su zhou November 11th! yay!!!!
Kyoto this weekend! as long as it doesn't rain that it.
I've run out of things to talk about
but then again I could always talk about tacos.
I swear tacos were in every single one of my conversations today.
I was talking about tacos with one of the American teachers and I told him I will without a doubt open a Chipotle chain here. As soon as I mentioned Chipotle a look of intense pain came over his face and he told me not to talk about it. There was also a look of sincere longing.
I don't know how long he has been in Japan or rather away from a local Chipotle but I'm sure that it has been a long LONG time since the beauty that is a Chipotle burrito has visited his lips.
I will some how find a way to get Chipotle to this poor poor man.
I've been reading the harry potter books as an English escape but now I find I've made the mistake of getting addicted and my school library only has them up to the 4th book. SIGH
P.S. taco seasoning fits nicely into care packages.
pictures are of the sweet potato harvest party and Genki and Hayato. Genki seems to be the target of sticky things and pranks. example: the guys were straightening their hair at school (yes. i don't know why either) and everyone thought it would be fun to make random sections of Genki's hair and make it flip upward. I don't know why he trusts them..
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