As the title says there is nothing horribly new to report. Except I have some pictures of, uh, life in Japan.
1) Obento (lunch box): It looks pretty small! actually, it is indeed very small especially when compared to the average American lunch. In American, I normally have a sub, chips, chocolate milk fruit and a cookie (of course). But in Japan the sub alone fills up my obento! The bottom half of the obento is all white rice with furikake (seasoning?) My favorite furikake flavor is black sesame seeds. The upper portion is vegetables meat eggs and whatnot. I'll take a picture when I have it next time (right now is vacation so I eat at home). It has matching chopsticks too!
And just in case people think I'm starving with my tiny lunch that's really not the case. Its just enough to where you feel full but not exploding. Like, NORMAL full. But the thing is you only really feel full about 15min after finishing. During that 15min it's "WHY IS THIS THING SO SMALL?!" but afterwards it's all good.
and yes I have lost weight I think considering my pants don't fit.
2) Desk: It's more like a kid's size table and a pillow. Sitting on my bed, the desk is still too low to work comfortably so it's zabuton or nothing (pillow). The only problem is my knees hurt if I sit there for too long no matter HOW I sit (oh well, guess that means I can't studyyyyy)
3) Book shelf: ...It's a book shelf. There's nothing really special about it but it's divided into fun books, textbooks and dictionaries, Japanese money box, American money box and things I don't know where to put like letters and such.
4)Closet: ...nothing new about that
5) Bed: It's a lot shorter (like everything else) but overall pretty comfy. It's a lot more fluffy than my American bed but I still prefer my American one.
That's all for now!
I find the "normal life" stuff interesting. It may seem boring to you but it's fascinating to the rest of us! I am not surprised to hear that you've lost weight. You didn't need to lose ANY weight but the Japanese diet is so different from ours that I figured you'd drop a few pounds while getting used to it. Does your uniform fit better?