so its been a looooong time since i last updated with blog thingy. Sorry about that.
now I forget what I was going to write about...
to do list:
-AFS day
-osaka people
so first, Kyudo tournament: it was LONG. and not horribly exciting but still interesting. We traveled to Zeze to a huge Japanese sports facility. They had rooms for things like kyudo, kendo, sumo and such. I didn't realize the people from our school were that good! We got a lot of rewards :D Anyways, everyone squeezed into the tiny hallway to look out the windows and see the actual competition. Every time someone from their school would hit the target everyone yells "YOSH!" really REALLY loudly. It's quite scary the first time.
Afterwards, at the end of the 6 or so hour competition all the schools line up and have to sit formally for an hour or so. that is NOT FUN. and very very painful, even if you don't have bad knees like I do. (sitting formally is sitting on your knees) I think it was around minuet 45 where I could reach back to touch my foot and think it was someone else's because it was so numb. Don't even bother trying to stand up after an hour of sitting like that by the way. You just fall back down. It takes a good 15min to work you way passed the prickling and stand. another 5min or so to actually walk.
PUMPKIN: actually, jack-o-lantern. Halloween being one of my favorite holidays means I could not simply leave this tradition behind in America. Although I couldn't find an orange pumpkin, there are plenty of green ones around. Another difference is that we actually ate this one after Halloween (but then again I carved it the day before Halloween, not 2 weeks before)
Yakimono: On Wednesday, we went and made pottery. I think the Japanese just really likes plates and cups and such...I don't really know why though. Afterwards we went to another famous otera (temple). I was really high up in the mountains and had a good view of lake biwa and the cities...but its still on my camera so I'll post it later I guess :D
Osaka People: They deserve a post of their own. They are NOT normal Japanese people. Normal Japanese people stare from afar but Osaka people will come up to you at the crosswalk, shake your hand and say "goodo morningu" as best they can. It's...entertaining. It's also entertaining when at that same crosswalk with Sari and Emilie, the old lady decided to tell her old man friend that he should take us to dinner..and we could understand.
oh osaka people...
Finaly AFS day: It was fun! Actually, it was really really boring, but seeing and talking to everyone was fun! Everyone introduced themselves and had pictures and clothes from their country. And then we all had to listen to the guest speakers speak for and hour or so...AKA exchange yo mama jokes and take pictures. ALSO MET SOMEONE FROM NORTHERN OHIO THERE!!!! <3
small world.
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